Amiri Ghanatsaman Z, Esmailizadeh Koshkoiyeh A, Asadi Fozi M. Detection of deletions and insertions in genome of Iranian dogs and wolves with the method whole genome sequencing. MGj 2019; 14 (1) :85-88
Abstract: (1943 Views)
Insertions and deletions (INDELs) are one of the main events contributing to genetic and phenotypic diversity, which have received less attention than SNPs and large structural variations. A total of 287.5 GB of data resulting from whole genome sequencing of six dog and wolf genomes with mean depth and coverage (percentage of mapping to genome reference) of 16X and 99.47, respectively, were analyzed to detect INDELs and assessment of their related functional groups, More than three million INDELs (1-73 bp) were detected. In this study, powerful algorithm (HaplotypeCaller) was used to increase precision and accuracy of detected INDELs. Most of the INDELs (95.179.9%) were smaller than 10bp. Results of INDELs annotation showed that the percentage of INDELs in exon and 3´ utr regions in dog genome was more than that in wolf genome, indicating that the domestication process has targeted the genomic variation in the exon and utr'3 regions.
Type of Study:
Research |
Subject 02 Received: 2018/11/5 | Accepted: 2019/06/16 | Published: 2019/09/29